
– my personal views on all walks of outdoor life

Packraft-kursseja ja -retkiä!

Blogi on hautautunut jonnekin internetin pohjamutiin, mutta Korpi-Jaakon toiminta on jatkunut sinäkin aikana aktiivisesti (pääosin Ankarien avotuntureiden parissa) ja nyt on aika tuulettaa tomuja ja kertoilla tulevasta täälläkin. Hiihtovaellusten lisäksi jatkan jälleen suosittujen packraft-retkien ja kurssien järjestämistä. Lisätietoja alla.


Even though this blog has been pretty much forgotten during the past years but I’ve been actively going outdoors, mostly concentrating on the Ankarat avotunturit ski expeditions. But in 2020 I will be re-starting the guided packrafting programs. The first trips will be in Finnish only but if you are interested, you are welcome to join the daytrip to Kymijoki on 27.6. as an English speaking participant. Inquiries over e-mail to: jaakko.heikka@gmail.com.

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Packraft päiväretki Kymijoelle 27.6.

Leppoisa päiväretki Kymijoelle, jossa pääset nauttimaan kauniista jokiluonnosta ja saat hyvää tuntumaa packraft-retkeilyyn.

Aika: lauantai 27.6.2020 klo 10:00-17:00
Paikka: Kultaankoski, Kymijoki, Kotka
Hinta: 75 eur/hlö (sis. ALV 10%), sisältää packraft-lautan, melan, melontaliivit ja kypärän sekä opastuksen

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Ohjelma: Kokoonnumme Kultaankoskille klo 10:00. Kalustoon tutustumisen jälkeen pakkaamme eväät ja melontavälineet reppuihimme ja patikoimme noin 7 kilometriä ylävirtaan, jonka jälkeen pidämme evästauon laavulla. Patikointi tapahtuu poluilla ja vähän niiden ulkopuolellakin. Evästauon jälkeen täytämme lautat ja melomme myötävirtaan Ahvionkosken upean Natura-alueen läpi takaisin Kultaankoskille, jossa pakkaamme lautat ja lähdemme kotimatkalle.

Melontamatkalle osuvat Ahvionkosket ja Kultaakoski. Kosket tarjoavat vauhtia ja pärskeitä, mutta ovat helppoja laskettavia vakaalla packraft-lautalla. Halutessaan ne voi myös helposti ohittaa maitse. Käymme tutustumassa koskiin ennakolta ja jokainen voi päättää paikan päällä haluaako laskea kosket vai ohittaa ne maitse. Muutoin joki on mukavan rauhallinen ja erämainen.

Retkelle tarvitset tavallisen retkeilyvarustuksen: maastoon sopivat jalkineet, sään mukaisen vaatetuksen, varavaatteet ja pienen rinkan tai tilavan päivärepun sekä eväät. Kastumiselle herkät varusteet kannattaa pakata rinkkaan vesitiiviisti. Tarvittaessa saat lainaksi vesitiiviin pikkurinkan.

Ryhmäkoko: 4-8 hlö

Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: jaakko.heikka@gmail.com 21.6.2020 mennessä.


Packraft-koskimelonnan perusteet Kymijoella 28.6.

Packraftilla on helppo laskea koskia, mutta parhaiten homma sujuu kun tietää mitä tekee. Tällä kurssilla opit perusteet koskien laskemisesta turvallisesti packraft-lautalla.

Huom. Kesäkuun koskikurssi on täynnä! Seuraava kurssi elokuussa. Tarkka ajankohta julkaistaan lähipäivinä!

Aika: sunnuntai 28.6.2020 klo 10:00-18:00
Paikka: Ahvionkoski, Kymijoki, Kouvola
Hinta: 95 eur/hlö (sis. ALV 10%), sisältää packraft-lautan, melan, melontaliivit ja kypärän sekä opetuksen.


Ohjelma: Kokoonnumme Kuovinkallion laavulle, jossa aloitamme kurssin lyhyellä teoriaosuudella, jonka jälkeen aloitamme käytännön harjoittelun Ahvionkoskissa (luokat 1-2). Päivän aikana pidetään ruokatauko laavulla.

Kurssilla käsitellään mm.
– packraft-melojan koskimelontavarustus
– virran lukeminen ja turvallisen laskureitin suunnittelu
– erilaiset perusmelontateniikat koskessa
– turvallisuusnäkökohdat, erityisesti self-rescue

Kurssille tarvitset sään mukaisen melonta-/ulkoiluvaatetuksen. Kuiva- tai märkäpuku on optimaalinen, mutta tavallisilla ulkoiluvaatteillakin pärjää. Varaa tällöin mukaasi kuitenkin myös kuivat vaihtovaatteet. Jalkineiksi sopivat lenkkarit tai melontatossut. Varaa mukaasi myös lounas, välipaloja ja juotavaa sekä muistiinpanovälineet. Pyyhekin kannattaa pakata matkaan.

Ohjaajana kurssilla toimii 10 vuotta packraft-melontaa harrastanut erä- ja luonto-opas sekä melontaohjaaja Jaakko “Korpi-Jaakko” Heikka.

Ryhmäkoko: 4-6 hlö.

Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostilla: jaakko.heikka@gmail.com 21.6.2020 mennessä.


Oppaana retkellä ja kurssilla toimii 10 vuotta packraft-melontaa harrastanut erä- ja luonto-opas sekä melontaohjaaja Jaakko “Korpi-Jaakko” Heikka.

PS. Jos saavut pidemmästä matkasta, voit yhdistää reissuun esimerkiksi omatoimiretken läheiseen Valkmusan kansallispuistoon.

Elo-syyskuulle on myös suunnitteilla pidempiä packraft-retkiä. Lisätietoa myöhemmin!

Finnish Packraft Gathering 4.0

This bilingual post includes some additional details regarding the packraft gathering at 6.-8.10.2017!
Tämä  kaksikielinen kirjoitus sisältää tarkempia tietoja liittyen packraft-kokoontumiseen 6.-8.10.2017!

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In English: Summon the packrafters in Finland! (Once again…)

We’d like to welcome you to the Finnish Packraft Gathering 4.0. Meeting will be held at Lohjanjärvi-Mustionjoki in Southern Finland on 6.-8.10.2017. The meeting is an informal gathering of likeminded people so there is no strict schedule or program but the idea would be following:

Friday 6.10. Gathering at the parking area of Karkali Strict Nature Reserve (info in English). The address is Karkalintie 1035, Lohja. Next to the strict nature reserve there is a parking area, picnic tables and an outhouse but NO fireplace or dedicated camp site. But there’s plenty of interesting things to see on the area. Please be considerate and follow the rules of the strict nature reserve or utilize every man’s rights outside it. You can arrive by car or walk/cycle from Lohja or paddle from across the lake from Lohja (~15km).

Saturday 7.10. Idea is to start from the parking area at 10:00 am. You can also join us in the morning! A short walk from the parking area to the nature reserve where there is a beach to launch our rafts. From Karkalinniemi we will paddle South to Ruosniemenselkä (~8km). From there you can take out and walk to the camping area in Korpudden (~7km) or paddle all the way (total ~20km) to Korpudden.

In Korpudden there is a fireplace, outhouse and short nature trail (info in Finnish). No huts or shelters so bring your own! We will spend the second night here. The plan is to share stories of packrafting accidents and close-calls by the fire to learn from others and make packrafting safer.

Sunday 8.10. To make it to Karjaa in time, we should start around 09:00 am. From Korpudden we will paddle down the Mustionjoki (Svartån). It is (mostly) flat and easy going with some dams to portage. It is one of the “100 pearls of nature” according to the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (info in Finnish). If you paddle all the way to Karjaa, the distance is about 20 km.

From Karjaa you can continue further down stream to Pohja or even to Raasepori. But that will likely require another day of paddling. Or catch a bus back home from Karjaa. Car shuttles can be arranged if needed. Best to shuttle the cars on Friday evening or very early on Saturday morning.

Everyone is welcome to join – even if you don’t have a packraft, you can just come to have a look or join us with a kayak or canoe. But you can also rent one. You can rent one for the meeting for the same special price of 40 eur (VAT 24%) per raft from:

Join the fun!

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Suomeksi: Suomen packraft-melojat – on taas aika!

Haluamme toivottaa sinut tervetulleeksi neljänteen suomalaiseen Packraft kokoontumiseen Lohjanjärvi-Mustionjoki-alueella 6.-8.10.2017. Kokoontuminen on epämuodollinen eikä mitään sitovaa aikataulua tai ohjelmaa varsinaisesti ole, mutta ajatus on suurin piirtein seuraava:

Perjantai 6.10. Kokoontuminen Karkalin luonnonpuiston pysäköintialueella (info). Osoite on Karkalintie 1035, Lohja. Pysäköintialue on luonnopuiston välittömässä läheisyydessä ja siellä on huussi ja picnic-pöydät, mutta EI tulipaikkaa tai erillistä telttailualuetta. Luonnonpuistossa ja Karkalinniemessä on kuitenkin paljon kiinnostavaa nähtävää. Pidä järki matkassa ja noudata puiston sääntöjä, tai hyödynnä jokamiehen oikeuksia puiston ulkopuolella. Paikalle voi saapua autolla, kävelemällä tai pyöräilemällä Lohjalta tai melomalla Lohjalta järven yli (n. 15km).

Lauantai 7.10. Ajatuksena on lähteä liikkeelle pysäköintialueelta 10:00. Voit saapua paikalle hyvin myös vasta aamulla. Kävelemme polkua puiston maihinnousupaikalle, josta aloitamme melonnan. Karkalinniemestä melomme etelään Ruosniemenselän yli (8km). Tämän jälkeen voit joko kävellä (n. 7km) Korpuddenin leiripaikalle tai meloa koko matkan (yhteensä n. 20km).

Korpuddenissa on Uudenmaan virkistysaluyhdistyksen alue (info), jolta löytyy tulipaikka, huussi ja lyhyt luontopolku. Ei tupia tai laavuja, joten ota oma majoite mukaan. Vietämme lauantaiyön tällä alueella. Suunnitelmana on jakaa tarinoita ja kokemuksia packraft-onnettomuuksista ja läheltä-piti-tilanteista iltanuotiolla, jotta voimme oppia toistemme virheistä ja parantaa harrastuksen turvallisuutta.

Sunnuntai 8.10. Jotta ehtisimme Karjaalle valoisalla, on paras aloittaa melonta jo 09:00. Korpuddenista melomme Mustionjokea etelään. Joki on helppoa, sileää vettä muutaman voimalaitoksen/padon ohituksella höystettynä. Joki on yksi SLL:n Suomen 100 luontohelmeä –kohteista (info). Matkaa Korpuddenista Karjaalle kertyy noin 20 kilometriä.

Karjaalta voit jatkaa edelleen myötävirtaan Pohjaan tai vaikka Raaseporiin saakka, mutta siihen on syytä varata ylimääräinen melontapäivä. Karjaalta pääset myös bussilla kohti kotia. Autonsiirtoja voidaan järjestellä tarpeen mukaan. Autot kannattaa siirtää perjantaina tai aikaisin lauantaina.

Kaikki ovat tervetulleita mukaan, vaikka ilman lauttaakin! Voit tulla vain katselemaan menoa tai osallistua kajakilla tai kanootilla. Mutta jos haluaisit vuokrata lautan, niin sekin onnistuu. Voit vuokrata lautan kokoontumiseen samaan erikoishintaan 40 eur (ALV 24%):

Tervetuloa mukaan!

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Edit 8.9.2017: Korjattu pysäköintialueen osoite. // Fixed the address to the parking area.

Packraft rentals / Packraft-vuokraus

(For Finnish text, see below!)

Packraft rentals

There’s been more cobwebs than content in this blog lately but I’m still alive and in the outdoors things are moving. I’ve had a fleet of packrafts for a few years that I’ve been using in my guiding work and also renting “under the counter” – but now it’s time to go public!

So, if you happen to be in Finland and in need of a packraft for your adventure or just want to test one, take a look at my Packraft rentals page!

And as a bonus, as my client you can get a 65 euro discount from the Anfibio Packrafting Store when buying a new raft!


Viime kuukausina blogi on lähinnä kerännyt hämähäkinseittejä, mutta olen vielä hengissä ja ulkona asiat rullaavat eteenpäin. Olen viimeiset pari vuotta vuokrannut packraft-lauttoja niille, jotka ovat osanneet kysyä, mutta nyt on aika tarjota reppulauttailun riemua kaikille!

Jos siis kaipaat packraft-lauttaa reissuusi tai haluat kokeilla sellaista, katso lisätietoja Packraft-vuokraus sivultani!

Ja bonuksena Anfibio Packrafting Store tarjoaa myös minun asiakkailleni 65 euron alennuksen uusista packraft-lautoista!

Quick Hike Around Käsivarsi Wilderness

This is “one from the archives” i.e. one of those trips I did but haven’t written about. But it was such a nice trip, it deserves to be blogged about and I thought now would be a good time since I’m again on my way to the same area…

Last year I was guiding a packrafting trip to Reisadalen and as I had some free time before that, I decided to go for a quick stroll around the Käsivarsi Wilderness area.  I had very rough plan of walking first to East, then up North and at the end returning to Kilpisjärvi. A simple trip without several kilos of packrafting, glacier travel or polar bear safety kit was a welcome change. Just a simple hike with light gear: HMG backpack, minimalistic tarp, “fancy feast” stove, etc. I even left the DSLR home in favour of a lighter point-and-shoot. So, here’s the story from that simple walk:

I arrive to the luttle village of Kilpisjärvi late in the afternoon on Sunday 30.8. I shoulder the delightfully light pack and start walking along the trail towards Terbmisjärvi hut. I had hoped to have a full day of hiking but work commitments turnnit into only a few hours of daylight.

The walking is easy, though my mind is still wandering and occasionally I stumble on the worn and rocky path. It’s quite warm for the final days of August this far North. There are some bugs along the birch woods and I wonder if it was a mistake not to pack the headnet and repellent. But usually you don’t need them this time of the year and once I get out from the bush to the higher ground the bugs are gone and won’t be bothering me again.

The 16km walk takes little over three hours and I’m pitching my tarp in good time near the Terbmisjärvi hut. The open hut would be empty but I want to see if the minimalistic 3×1,5m tarp actually works for me in open terrain. And with tarp you are way more connected to your surroundings than while in a tent or hut. I cook dinner, enjoy a beautiful moon rise and later admire an owl who soars around my tarp silently and gracefully.

I woke up to a drizzle the next morning. The tiny tarp has kept me dry and I’m ready for a new day, even if it seems to be a grey one. With minimal gear the morning chores take very little time and I’m on my way around 08:30.

I had planned to follow the valley East and then up thru Kutturakuru pass but with the light pack I’m tempted to head straight over the peak of Jollanoavi (1023m). On my way up I play hide-and-seek with a curious stoat (Mustela erminea) before reaching the summit. The clouds mess the views but it’s still nice to be on top of a big hill. It always is. I head down and meet two hikers who by coinsidense happen to be fellow bloggers Mari and Markus. A small world.

At lake Japmajavri the sun finds it’s way through the clouds and the views open. It’s beautiful, quiet and I have that good solitary feeling you get from traveling thru remote wilderness. I make a little detour North-East to wade across the Poroeno river from a safe place. Easy but long and cold crossing. Once my feet are warm again I stop for a coffee break. It’s close to 18:00 and this is the first proper break of the day but why stop if you are feeling good walking?

Bad bush steers me closer to Valtijoki and I can see my course crossing with a tent pitched on the river bank. I’m not really in the mood for meeting other people but prefer dry feet and easy going over solitude. At he campsite I meet a man who is half-way into his four week solo trip – without food! Instead of food he has a flyfishing kit snd plenty of spices. He has been fishing and foraging for over two weeks and seems to be living his dream: There’s an aura or satisfaction and happiness, and a constant smile. After a longish chat I continue up the Valtijoki feeling happy for meeting the man.

Valtijoki is a beautiful creek and there’s a good trail following it on the sand ridge. As expected, the waterlevel is a lot lower than the last time I was here with a packraft in July 2011. Around 21:00 I find a good spot to camp. There’s some dead wood by the river so I make a small fire to cook dinner and decide to cowboy camp by the river without the tarp. Close to midnight it starts to rain and I find myself hastly setting up the tarp in the dark with a headlamp. Would’ve been a lot easier to do it in the evening… Once under the tarp I fall asleep to the sound of water rushing over the rocky drops of Valtijoki. Over 31 kilometers off-trail in a day makes falling asleep easy but I wake up a few times being cold and adding layers. Apparently the long day has also eaten into my energy reserves.

In the morning the sun starts to warm my black sleeping bag and I sleep well past the alarm and wake up around 09:00. Two hours later than planned! There’s a damn cold wind straight from the North but otherwise the weather is nice. I continue up along the Valtijoki. The scenery is great and there would be plenty of excellent camp sites. After crossing the river I head to the open Kopmajoki hut for a coffee break. I meet a lone hiker with fishing kit on a two-week tour. Only few people wander in the remote parts of Käsivarsi and those who do, seem to be going solo, on a longer trips and often fishing…

From the hut I decide to hike up to the Ritnicohkka (1317m) which is actually the highest peak in Finland. The highest point of Finland is merely a point on the slope of the Halti fjell with the peak itself situated on the Norwegian side of the border. I follow the wide ridge from stellite peak Ritninolka and in the end have to scramble through some steeper slopes. I walk thru a barren landscape of grey rock and over patches of white snow. I sit down, admire the views to North-East and really enjoy being up there. Little later I’m on the summit in the jaws of the relentless wind. Everything is frozen, the  temperature is well below zero and the wind feels very cold. I put on my puffy jacket and seek shelter behind the shed on the top and have a little break taking photos and sending a text message back home.

From Ritnicohkka I continue towards the actual summit of the Raisduottarhaldi (1361m), some two kilometeres to North and into Norway from the highest point of Finland. There’s a funny squeeky sound coming from my kit which I can’t localize despite checking my kit for stowaway lemmings. Soon the clouds roll in making navigation difficult and hiding the views. I adjust plans accordingly and head a bit more to the West until I meet the trail leading to the highest point of Finland (1323m) and walk up there to sign the book. No point of going for the actual summit. Near the border cairn there’s a book with a running number for visitors. Even though it’s not exact it gives an idea of the popularity: my number this time is 120066. The last time I was up here was in 2008 and then my number was 91203. Around 30000 vitits in the last eight years.

It’s still humid and cold and the wind is blowing. I hurry down from Halti to reach the open huts in the valley before darkness falls. The cozy old little hut seems to be empty so I head there. I really like it. It’s one of my favourite wilderness huts. And as the cold wind keeps on blowing, I’m happy to spend the night inside instead of sheltering under the bit-too-small-for-me-but-very-light tarp. I fetch water from the stream, light a fire in the stove and light the candle I brought with me and settle in while rain patters the single window. It’s warm and cozy inside. This night I don’t mind being little less connected to my surroundings.

Going thru my gear in the warm hut I find a reason for the weird squeeky sound that started while descenting Ritnicohkka: the soles of my trail runners are vetically broken between the heal and ball of the feet. They are worn and beaten anyway so it’s not a surprise but it means that for the return journey, I’ll stay on the trail in case of a catastrophic failure.

I don’t sleep too well. The hut feels too warm and the wooden platform feels hard as I only brought a thin short pad to save weight. Despite the discomfort I sleep until 09:00. Apparently I’m tired from the long days of walking. After morning chores I’m ready for the final 50km walk to Kilpisjärvi. I have an idea of walking it all in a one go as the trail is reasonably easy to follow even in the dark. My legs feel stiff and tired but soon pick up the rythm and I enjoy the downhill walk in the sunshine. Weather is good, views are good and going is easy. No reason not to enjoy.

Around midday I arrive to Pitsusjärvi hut. There’s a man sitting outside on the porch and he greets me with a question: “Do you have cell phone coverage?” It turns out his knees are in bad shape and he’d like to fly our with a float plane but doesn’t have signal to make the call. His brother is up on the nearby hill searching for signal. There’s no phone coverage in the valley but luckily I happen to have my satellite phone with me.  I have it for guiding remote ski expeditions and don’t usually carry it on summer trips in Scandinavia but decided to take it with me this time. A happy coinsidence.

We wait until the second man returns from the hill. He didn’t have any luck of getting signal so we make series of calls first asking for the number of the floatplane service and then trying several times before getting thru. I have plenty of time to eat snacks and drink coffee.

Almost two hours later I depart from the hut and from the Southern end of the Pitsusjärvi lake I can see a small plane approaching the hut and landing near the shore. I’m not too happy for loosing nearly two hours of daylight but I’m happy that I could help some fellow hikers in need. I guess my concentration is not at it’s best as I walk off from the trail and miss a bridge. A mistake I’ve made also back in 2008 in the same place. I backtrack, cross the bridge and blaze down the trail towards South and Kilpisjärvi.

Near the mighty cliffs of Meekonpahta I notice a lonely rucksack on the side of the trail. I look around but can’t see anyone. I assume someone has left it there to visit a nearby summit. There’s a short section of duckboards which makes going fast and easy and I soon catch up with a group of four hikers. One of the group is not wearing a backpack but is insted wrapped in emergency blanket.

Soon I find out that she had slipped and broken her wrist and they are on their way back to the previous hut. We arrive to the Meekonjärvi hut in no time and I hear that someone has already headed higher to search for signal to make an emergency call. I offer to make a call with my satphone and call to the Emergency response center in Kerava, near Helsinki. They are first taken aback for me calling to them from Lapland but the normal 112 doesn’t work from a satphone… They reconnect me to the center in Oulu that oversees the Northern Finland and I get to know that a helicopter will be send to get the lady to hospital.

In less than an hour a Boarderguard helicopter arrives to the hut, lands nearby and the paramedics go in the hut to prepare the patient for the transfer. I chat with the pilots and the winch operator who seem to have really nice job. They were actually returning from another mission when being alerted here and that’s why they were so fast. After waving the helicopter goodbye I decide to utilize the little daylight that’s left by walking to the next hut.

The walking is incredibly good: The trail is easy. Views are good. The coolness and freshness of the dusk feel good. My feet are light and go on autopilot, the last 100 kilometers have thought them well. It’s already dark when I arrive to the hut so I decide to sleep inside. Instead of a mammoth 50 kilometer day I walked just the normal 30 km but this is how things roll.

The night in the hut was again too hot and the platform too hard. Beaten feet on hard wooden platform just doesn’t work. But in the morning I’m ready to continue and get the hike finished. I enjoy a lazy morning reading the guestbook before getting started with the final leg around 09:00. It’s cloudy and I don’t really care for the views. Instead I’m more interested in getting the boring trail walk finished.

There’s one more hut about midway to Kilpisjärvi and I have a coffee break there. I catch two hikers who left the previous hut earlier and they offer me some proper coffee, which is welcome change for the instant stuff I’ve been drinking. On my way to Kilpisjärvi I find few handfulls of ripe cloudberries and spy a willow grouse family in the birch woods for a while. Hiking on the worn trail feels dull and indifferent but when I arrive back to Kilpisjärvi I feel happy and tranquil. I remeber all the good feelings, the beautiful views and the solitude. There’s an aura of satisfaction and happiness.

A good hike.

– – –

A few additional photos in my gallery.

Finnish Packraft Gathering 3 – Details

This bilingual post includes some additional details regarding the packraft gathering at 16.-18.9.2016!
Tämä  kaksikielinen kirjoitus sisältää tarkempia tietoja liittyen packraft-kokoontumiseen 16.-18.9.2016!

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In English: Packrafters in Finland – Unite once again!

The third Finnish Packraft Gathering will be held at Vantaanjoki in Southern Finland on 16.-18.9.2016. The meeting is very much informal gathering of likeminded people so there is no strict schedule or program but the idea would be following:

Friday 16.9. Gathering at the Southern-end of the Piilolammi lake at Kytäjä-Usmi area (info site in Finnish) i.e. here. The address is Piilolammintie, Hyvinkää. Parking area is at the end of the public road but the space is somewhat limited so sharing rides is good idea. You can also get close (about 6 km walk) with public transportation.

There are two fireplaces at the lake and plenty of room to pitch tents. No shelters or huts. Water from the lake (I’d recommend treating it). You are welcome to join any time you want but Marko and Joni will run a packraft fishing workshop starting around 17:00 and I highly recommend joining for that if you are even little interested in fishing. Bring your own fishing kit if you have any (and take care of the lisences if needed). Evening by the fire in good company. Also nice lake-hopping available for those interested if you arrive early.

Saturday 17.9. Walk from Piilolammi lake to Kytäjoki river which joins Vantaanjoki river which we will follow for the rest of the weekend. The day will be quite long (4km walk + 22km paddle) so we will start from the campsite at 10:00 am. You can also join us in the morning!

The Kytäjoki is a small river with very little flow. After some three kilometers it joins Vantaanjoki river which we follow down to Nukarinkosket rapids (fishing info in Finnish, kayaking info in Finnish = in brief: requires high water, class III-IV, 25m drop on 1300m). At the moment the flow is not adequate for running the rapids but things might change. Second night at a fireplace at Nukarinkosket.

Sunday 19.9. We start again around 10:00 am and packraft further down the Vantaanjoki to Myllykoski rapid (fishing info in Finnish, kayaking info in Finnish = in brief: requires high water, class III-IV, 11m drop on 300m). Again at the moment the flow seems inadequate for running Myllykoski but there are some smaller rapdis on the way. Distance is about 13km.

From Myllykoski you can continue further down stream to Vantaa or even all the way to the sea. Or catch a bus back home. Car shuttles can be arranged if need arises. Best to shuttle the cars on Friday evening or very early on Saturday morning.

A helpful .pdf leaflet in Finnish giving an overview of the Northern part of Vaantaanjoki.

Pekka of pacrkafting.fi has also made a nice map of the route.

Everyone is welcome to join – even if you don’t have a packraft, you can just come to have a look or join us with a kayak or canoe. But you can also rent one. All of my rafts are reserved at the moment but you can rent one for the meeting for the same special price of 40 eur (VAT 24%) per raft from:

  • Update: One of my rafts is also available for rent!
  • WHF or
  • from Kinahmi

Suomeksi: Suomen packraft-melojat – on taas se aika!

Haluamme toivottaa sinut tervetulleeksi kolmanteen suomalaiseen Packraft kokoontumiseen Vantaanjoelle 16.-18.9.2016. Kokoontuminen on epämuodollinen eikä mitään sitovaa aikataulua tai ohjelmaa varsinaisesti ole, mutta suunnitelma on suurin piirtein seuraava:

Perjantai 16.9. Kokoontuminen Piilolammin eteläpäässä olevalle tulipaikalle Kytäjä-Usmin alueella (info-sivut) eli tänne. Osoite on Piilolammintie, Hyvinkää. Parkkipaikka on yleisen tien päässä, tosin tilaa on rajallisesti, joten kyytien jakaminen on suositeltavaa. Lähistölle (6km kävely) pääsee myös julkisilla.

Lammen päässä on kaksi tulipaikkaa ja runsaasti tilaa teltoille. Ei laavuja tai tupia. Vesi lammesta (suosittelen puhdistamista). Paikalle saa saapua milloin vain, mutta Marko ja Joni vetävät 17:00 alkaen packraft-kalastustyöpajan, jota suosittelen kaikille vähänkin kiinnostuneille! Jos mahdollista, ota mukaan omat kalastusvälineet (ja hoida tarvittavat luvat). Muutoin luvassa illanviettoa nuotion äärellä hyvässä seurassa. Kytäjä-Usmin alueella on mahdollisuus myös mukavaan “järvihyppelyyn” jos saavut paikalle aiemmin.

Lauantai 17.9. Kävelemme Piilolammilta Kytäjoelle, joka liittyy Vantaanjokeen, jota seuraamme loppu viikonlopun. Koska päivä on pitkä (4km kävelyä ja 22km melontaa), lähdemme leiripaikalta 10:00. Luonnollisesti voit liittyä seuraan myös lauantai aamuna.

Kytäjoki on piehini joki, jossa on pieni virtaama. Kolmen kilometrin melonnan jälkeen se liittyy Vantaanjokeen, jota jatkamme Nukarinkoskille (kalastustietoutta ja melontatietoutta). Tällä hetkellä näyttää siltä, että Nukarinkoskia ei pysty melomaan tällä virtaamalla, mutta tilannehan voi muuttua. Toinen yö vietetään tulipaikalla Nukarinkoskilla.

Sunnuntai 18.9. Jatkamme Vantaanjoen melontaa noin 10:00 alkaen kohti Myllykoskea (kalastusinfoa ja melontainfoa).  Virtaamaennuste ei lupaa hyvää  Myllykosken laskemiseen, mutta tilanne voi vielä muuttua. Melontamatka noin 13km.

Myllykoskelta halukkaat voivat jatkaa jokea alavirtaan Vantaalle tai vaikka merelle saakka tai aloittaa kotimatkan julkisilla. Autonsiirtoja voidaan järjestellä tarpeen mukaan. Autot kannattaa siirtää perjantaina tai aikaisin lauantaina.

Hyödyllinen .pdf-esite Vantaanjoen pohjoisosista, jolla liikumme.

Packrafting.fi:n Pekka on tehnyt reitistä kätevän kartan.

Kaikki ovat tervetulleita mukaan, vaikka ilman lauttaakin! Voit tulla vain katselemaan menoa tai osallistua kajakilla tai kanootilla. Mutta jos haluaisit vuokrata lautan, niin sekin onnistuu. Kaikki allekirjoittaneen lautat on jo varattu, mutta voit vuokrata lautan kokoontumiseen samaan erikoishintaan 40 eur (ALV 24%):


  • Päivitys: Myös allekirjoittaneella yksi lautta vapaana! Kyselyt sähköpostilla!
  • WHF:lta tai
  • Kinahmilta


15-09-19EOS 6D4183_1200

Update//päivitys 1.9.16: Added Kinahmi rentals. // Lisätty Kinahmi vuokraajiin.
Update//päivitys 13.9.16: Added one rental raft. // Lisätty yksi vuokralautta.