
– my personal views on all walks of outdoor life

Update on the #twonights Challenge

Some time ago I challenged everyone (who dares) to try to spend two nights out every month through the year 2015. As the challenge was published in mid-January some people are/were not able to get their #twonights done in January so I decided it would be fair to offer also a February start for the challenge. After all, the idea is just to encourage more people (myself included) to get out more regularly.

IMG_8747_600So, one less excuse to get out and sleep under the nylon/stars/snow/whateveryoufancy. You can start getting your two nights each month on February and continue to the end of January 2016. Total of 24 nights at the minimum and two nights each month.

Also to be clear, it’s okay to spent the night in tent, in lean-to or even in an open wilderness log cabin. The idea is just to get our more regularly through the year. No strict rules as long as you get out in the nature and spent two nights out each month.

2013_04_12_9999_108_600If you want to participate take a look at the original challenge here. And if you want me to share your online content about your two nights of each month, follow the directions and notify me and I’ll share your nights through the whole year!

I also noticed that the father of microadventure, Alistair Humpreys, is running a similar challenge in 2015. It’s little easier as it requires only one night a month but you should be bivying (as it’s a microadventure, not just any overnighter) so no tents or cabins. If you can’t make two nights a month, at least try one night a month!

2013_06_21_9999_84_600To repeat myself: Now you have one less excuse! Start planning and make the 2015 one of the best outdoor years you’ve had!

That’s what I’ll be doing!

51 responses to “Update on the #twonights Challenge

  1. Hanneke 26/01/2015 at 23:42

    Alright, I am out of excuses now 😀 I’d love to do this, and it will be a real challenge for someone not quite so outdoorsy 😉 I struggled to find time this month, plus I was scared to sleep in a tent in January in the Arctic – I don’t even have a good enough sleeping bag for that. But if wilderness cabins count and I can start in February, I’m in!

  2. korpijaakko 27/01/2015 at 00:06

    Awesome Hanneke! You’re welcome to join our growing group. This is excatly the idea: challenge people to get out regularly, maybe a bit out of their comfort zone but to enjoy the outdoors. Cabins in February but maybe lean-to or tent in late March or early April? 😉

  3. Pingback: Outdoor Challenge for 2015: #twonights | Korpijaakko

  4. RobP 27/01/2015 at 19:42

    A great idea!

  5. korpijaakko 27/01/2015 at 21:19

    Thanks, RobP! Are you in for a challenge? 😉

  6. kasperil 30/01/2015 at 01:29

    I’m in!

  7. Kasperi 30/01/2015 at 20:34

    I set up a blog just for this #twonights Challenge! 😀 Sometimes I can be too easily provoked to things like this one. ( I’m not sure did I get the link work so: http://kaakaoretkeilija.com , in Finnish only, due to my superb rallyenglish skills)

  8. robbbyb90 01/02/2015 at 16:18

    Brilliant idea came in to look at your views on the spot GPS, and read this, have had health issues from Christmas and hope to get the all clear soon, I’m really missing my winter camps in the Scottish mountains, and this little challenge believe it or not has given me that extra spur to plan for the rest of winter. I’m normally out every weekend throughout the year, so you can imagine how desperate I am to get back out. Regards Robert.

  9. Pingback: Something different: #twonights challenge | Retkeillen

  10. akpoika 02/02/2015 at 10:00

    Hey! Great idea! I’m always up for this kind of challenges! January is done, i spent #twonights in Seitseminen National Park, in Finland. More info in my blog (reports in finnish, but also a lot of photos). I think i should add the hashtag in the blog also but i’m not used to use those so i have to check how to do it… I have been participating also the Vaellusnets challenge with at least 2 nights in forest. Started that 1 on August…

  11. korpijaakko 03/02/2015 at 14:02

    Great! Welcome aboard Kasperi! Outdoor blog in proper rallyenglish would be pretty awesome! (I’ve been driving a lot because of guidign work and heard the “rallyenglish is back” commercials on radio several times… :D)

  12. korpijaakko 03/02/2015 at 14:05

    I hear you robbbyb! I was ill all autumn. Just a regular flu but it stayed on forever and didn’t want to risk getting better so didn’t go much outdoors. It ws miserable. And if this challenge helps even one person to get more (or back to) outdoors I deel it’s a successs. So thanks for joining in. 🙂

  13. korpijaakko 03/02/2015 at 14:35

    Hi akpoika! I’ve been following you’re active outdoor life on Vaellusnet. That’s where the idea for the challenge originated (for me).

    Adding the #twonights hashtag would be nice but not compulsory. You could add it to chosen posts as a tag (tunniste?) or category (kategoria? Ajan näitä itse englanniksi, niin en ole vama käännöksistä…) or just as a word in the test. Just report then ones you want to be included ans shared and I’ll do it- Hashtags or not. 🙂

  14. Jani 10/02/2015 at 16:22

    I’m in! Starting today I hope.

  15. korpijaakko 10/02/2015 at 17:20

    Awesome! Welcome Jani!

  16. robbbyb90 11/02/2015 at 23:57

    Hi back again just to give you an update on the 2 night challenge. I’m heading for the Tarmachan Ridge in Perthshire Scotland, to do some wild camping and snow holing. Leave on Thursday until Saturday or Sunday. Shall report back to you soon. Keep safe mate.

  17. adventurebydesign 26/02/2015 at 08:23

    Just came across this today Jaako and it rings true with something I’ve been wanting to challenge myself with as I’ve been spending way too little time in the wild spaces. Looks like I’ll need to kick it off in March though.

  18. korpijaakko 26/02/2015 at 12:20

    You’re welcome to join in March as well, though I’ll limit the possible prices in the end for those who’ve been along for the whoel 12 months. But the peer support and pressure do help when you go public with ideas like this. 🙂

  19. Pingback: Farewell to winter? | Korpijaakko

  20. adventurebydesign 03/03/2015 at 19:44

    All good, it’s not about the prizes anyway is it 🙂

  21. dougalynch 04/03/2015 at 03:52

    #twonights Challenge

    Herse one of my two January nights from the Red Centre of Australia. Mixing up Flying Doctors and Hanging Microadventurers.


    Thanks @korpijaakko for dreaming this up.

  22. dougalynch 05/03/2015 at 02:56

    TwoNights Challenge

    Here is my second January Night out.
    Urban Parkour Style Microadventure.


  23. dougalynch 06/03/2015 at 23:47

    February #twonights
    Part of a bigger trip. But then isn’t everything part of a bigger trip.



  24. korpijaakko 19/03/2015 at 15:17

    You’re right. It really isn’t. That’s the spirit! 🙂

  25. korpijaakko 19/03/2015 at 15:18

    Awesome! I’m always really happy and moved if I hear/see/read people getting out in the nature, especially if the reason is something I’ve done. 🙂 Great to see this happening!

  26. korpijaakko 19/03/2015 at 15:20

    Life is a big journey in itself. #twoights being a part of a bigger trip is even better, means you are getting more nights out. 🙂

  27. tkunnas 23/03/2015 at 21:56

    My two entries for the #twonights challenge in March are (in Finnish) in my new blog: http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/03/lyhyt-yoretki-runteliin/ and http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/03/pieni-jaatikkovaellusharjoitus/ 🙂

  28. akpoika 03/04/2015 at 13:52

    Here you can find my #twonights in March. I spent 4 nights outdoors last month so i had to choose 2 from them… Written in finnish, but pretty much photos included. 🙂 http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/04/maaliskuun-twonights-yot.html

  29. Doug Lynch @LessBaggage 05/04/2015 at 12:59

    March #TwoNights Offering.
    Two Fun Filled Son Focussed Sun Kissed and Rained Upon Days and Nights on the beach.

    Microadventure Report #2; An 8 year olds birthday party

  30. dougalynch 05/04/2015 at 13:07

    Hopefully our April #twonights will be from Vietnam. I’m dragging my family off on a 5 months trip.

    Fingers Crossed.

  31. TapaniK 13/04/2015 at 21:33

    Here’s my #twonights for April (in Finnish): http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/04/viikonloppuretki-iista-ouluun/

  32. akpoika 30/04/2015 at 18:08

    Aprils #twonights i spent at a real nice swamp last weekend. Texts in finnish but a lot of photos included…. http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/04/aarniometsassa-ja-teerisuolla-24-2642015.html

    This weekend im going to forest with my 3 years old son for 1 night i think… 🙂 Good stuff!

  33. korpijaakko 30/04/2015 at 21:51

    Great to see you going strong with the challenge. Though I think it wasn’t that much of a challenge for you anyway. But it’s still great fun. 🙂

    And it’s even more great that you’re taking your son out regularly. Every kid should get to do overnighters a few times a year. I believe it woudl make the world a better place. 🙂

  34. dougalynch 05/05/2015 at 01:31

    My April Effort for the #TwoNights Challenge
    It’s not what I planned but Plans change.

    Grand Tour 2015 #10 & Microdaventure #3; No Room at the Inn in Dalat.

  35. TapaniK 06/07/2015 at 10:24

    My June #twonights entry, a 6-day hike starts here: http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/07/kesavaellus-ailigastunturille-1-paiva/ (in Finnish).

  36. TapaniK 22/07/2015 at 22:55

    … and my July #twonights entry took place in Hailuoto: http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/07/hailuodon-huiputus-ja-rantalomailua/ (in Finnish).

  37. korpijaakko 26/07/2015 at 16:31

    Going strong! Halfway! 🙂

  38. TapaniK 26/07/2015 at 21:34

    Oh yes! I’m not going to give up easily on this one 🙂

  39. Riitta Hjelt 09/08/2015 at 21:27

    Twitterin lisäksi osa #twonigtsout haasteen kuvista (toukokuun ja nyt elokuun eka yö) on instagramissa nimellä riittahj.

  40. TapaniK 20/08/2015 at 18:01

    Now my entry for August has been documented: report (in Finnish) starts here:http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/08/viikonloppuretki-rokualle-perjantai/.

  41. akpoika 31/08/2015 at 09:11

    Still alive with the challenge 😛

    In July i spent six nights in Vätsäri wilderness area, the story (in finnish) and photos you can check here: http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/08/vaellus-vatsarissa-25-3172015-1-paiva.html

    In August i spent 1 night with my 4 years old son in forest few kilometers from home: http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/08/pyoraretki-yoksi-tasaiselle-paikalle-22.html (13th night in forest for my son and first time we went there together by bike! Very nice and we will keep doing that a lot in future.) Second night of the month i spent at swamp below northern lights and fullmoon at night and calling mooses in the morning: http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/08/yo-karkkistensuolla-28-2982015.html I have had incredible nice times outdoors lately!!!

    In September i will go to hunt mooses in Lapland and that’s surely over 2 nights in the wilderness so 3/4 of the year will be done at least.. An year with 2 nights/month in forest was done anyway in July, because i started doing it already last year 🙂

  42. korpijaakko 03/09/2015 at 20:05

    Awesome! Nice to see some of you are still keepign up with the challengen despite me failing to deliver what I promised (monthly updates). But, the main point of the challenge is not to get blog traffic but to get outdoors, and that’s something you know very well.

    I’m envious especially for the moose hunting in the North! Lucky you! Also greta way to get your son involved. I strongly believe that nature is good for children. (Well, and for all people in general).

  43. TapaniK 26/09/2015 at 21:52

    September done and documented: http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/09/ruskaretki-ailigastunturille/ (in Finnish).

  44. TapaniK 12/10/2015 at 21:10

    Here’s my entry for October: http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/10/tarpin-ja-talviteltan-korkkaus/ (in Finnish). Three more months to go!

  45. akpoika 29/11/2015 at 16:07


    At least TapaniK is still with me in the challenge, i see! Go for it! 😀 One month left this year and im still with you in the challenge! If everything goes like its planned, i will get easily at least 2 nights in forest also in December and then the project is done.. 🙂

    Novembers first night i spent with my polish friend at Kurjenrahka National Park in Pöytyä. Read more here (finnish): http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/11/kurjenrahkalla-puolalaisen-kaverina-12.html

    And second night in this month i slept in Tampere/Kangasala with my son. Went to forest by bike and the son was sitting on back and i had all the gear for 2 persons on bike… Heavy load for 1 bike, i would say. But no problem, it was just perfect mud rally on those forest roads and paths. Very nice weekend and it feels so good to be still alive and possible to do these things! I had a real bad crash with a moose less than 2 weeks ago… Here is the story (finnish) from my latest journey in the forest: http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2015/11/pyoraretki-ojalan-kaupunginosaan-27.html

  46. TapaniK 24/12/2015 at 18:51

    Here’s my entry for December (in Finnish): http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2015/12/retkeilyvuoden-paatos-saariselalla/. One more month to go! It seems that akpoika will be cutting the finish line already after December, but I’m following right behind him. If everything goes as planned, I shall have my 12 months completed in a couple of weeks 🙂

  47. akpoika 05/01/2016 at 13:09

    I spent 4 nights in Hossa in end of the year, 27-31.12.2015. I chose the coldest (-26,3 degrees) night to be the last of my #twonights -challenge. I made it! 😀 At least 2 nights outdoors every month in year 2015. My total amount of nights outdoors was 35. Not so much, but that means over a month anyway. Here is the whole story from my winter hiking in Hossa, Kainuu: http://akpojanblogi.blogspot.fi/2016/01/hossa-27-31122015-1-paiva.html

  48. TapaniK 06/01/2016 at 00:35

    Now I’m done too: my last entry for the challenge http://www.tapanikunnas.net/2016/01/twonights-paatosretki/ (in Finnish). I managed to spend total of 27 nights outdoors this year.

  49. Korpi-Jaakko 08/01/2016 at 00:21

    Wov! Congrats to akpoika ja TapaniK for making thru the whole challenge! Onneksi olkoon!

    I’ll wait untill end of January, in case if someone who joined in late made it too, and then come up with nice little rewards for those who made it.

    As I wrote earlier, personally I blew it in October (should be easy month!) so I’ll go for another round in 2016…

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